This week optional activity was a 3D movie
This week's Vacation Study Activity was Alice in Wonderland 3D. I took my 18 Thai students to Scotiabank Theatre. Everybody had a great time and found it very entertaining. Activity Success!
What did I think of the movie? A student asked me whether or not I liked the film. I showed her a yellow card for No, not really.
So why did I give this film a Yellow Ticket and not a Green Ticket?
First lets talk about what's good in the film:
Played by this lady:
Helena Bonham Carter
In fact, its probably what saved the film. Very believable as a jealous heartless wench. I spent most of the film waiting for her to pop up on the screen. She reminds me of the devilish child I wish I could let myself be, if I didn't have extremely strict Chinese parents who forbade me from wearing tank tops and coming home past 9pm.
So whats "meh" about the film
Alice herself:
She was supposed to seem like an " out of the box thinker" different from everyone else in her society. Creative, free spirited, not out of the cookie cutter image of the girls in her time. This was shown by juxtaposingher and other girls at a party. Prim and proper, looking like ladies.
To me, Alice just seemed like a spoiled brat with attention deficit disorder. A hideous " lord" wanted to marry her and she ran away to chase a rabbit in a tuxedo. Oh honey no, how rude. Alice, this is a LORD, Get over it.(No not THE Lord , but a Lord as in some sort of Royalty)hes hideous but in the times you're living ,you have to wash diapers in a well.
It appears Alice is about 13 years old, A 13 year old who hasn't slept in 3 nights and ate nothing but raw baby carrots. But in the film she's 19. NINETEEN!?? She doesn't act a day over 14.
Ok now on to the wonky weird parts.
Johnny Depp: Green Card
His wiry ginger eyebrows sold me to the fact he was mad. The man can do no wrong. Review not needed. NEXT
My favorite part is when the talking dog explains why hes working for the enemy:
"I have to, they've got my wife and pups"
Too funny.
The story line was much like the classic storybook. The graphics were lovely. There were some nice parts, but as a whole it was pretty blah. Too much riff raff. Too much beating around the bush before you get to the point.
The supporting protagonists of the film were introduced by a filthy unhygienic tea party hosted by Mad Hatter, the field mouse, and a dirty rabbit .Yes I know it was supposed to be a fantasy.
Ok since I have an entirely different job to do, and I can't spend all day on this, lets get near the end. Throughout the story the characters basically tell you how its going to end. The scroll thing that predicts the future says that Alice is going to slay the dragon. This is repeated 3 times in the film. " Alice you dont have to do anything, the swords pretty much gonna kill it". Surprise surprise the
What was with the ending? She goes back to reality, denies the hideous Lord, tells everyone there's something wrong with them/ she loves them.
Then decides to do some trading in China.
Review Result: Yellow Card
Going to give it a lukewarm review. In the words of Hatter, it wasn't " much enough, it didn't have enough muchness" as expected.
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